Andrew Zawacki

from These Late Eclipses


Remixed vestiges of what the future was: dead air, a dusk series, auditory hallucinations; cool, peroxide rain. A fabricated disaster a day: nowhen. Now then. We try, and fail, to forge or forget, in this region of ceaseless façade, where nothing but disappearance has disappeared.


All quiet on the asphalt fields, the anarchic chic of gumweed and yarrow a capital pastoral protocol for adding intimations of color, movement elements. A woman has drifted, yelling, into surveillance camera range, as if trying to send her dybbuk back to die, for real this time.


Under the Value Mart area lights, whose LED bulbs are flying saucers invigilating a landing strip, gnats keep scribbling electrons on the dialectical night. I spend the small hours shadow-boxing, wishing for whatever to hit me. That way I’ll know where the nothing is coming from.